Transgender Surgery

Do you want to learn more about transgender surgery? Numerous methods and techniques are used in gender affirmation surgery. For example,  for top surgery in transwomen with smaller breasts, augmentation with implants can be successful to create a more feminine appearance. For transmen whose breasts are too large, a mastectomy or removal of breast tissue, is needed.

Surgery can treat a person’s gender dysphoria, help them live with confidence, and treat their distress and depression that the dysphoria causes. Gender affirmation surgery will not only help the person transition physically but emotionally as well.

Transgender Surgery | Dr. Rajveer Purohit 2021

Why Transgender Surgery is Done

Surgery can help those are unable to be their true selves because the gender assigned at birth does not correlate to how they feel. Surgery is the most effective way to treat gender dysphoria but some may not go through surgery and may find that hormonal treatment adequately alleviates their gender dysphoria.

Mental Health Evaluation

Before proceeding with transgender surgery, you need to make sure you are mentally prepared. The World Professional Association of Transgender Health mandates that patients undergoing genital surgery such as vaginoplasty or phalloplasty have 2 letters from a trained mental health specialist to confirm that surgery is appropriate.  The mental health counseling can also prepare you to cope with the stress and anxiety of the medical process. A professional who specializes in gender issues will guide you through the situation.

A gender mental health specialist needs to confirm that you have gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is a very specific condition that occurs when someone feels like they are in the wrong body, i.e., one that doesn’t align with their gender. This feeling can cause significant  distress and depressed feelings.

After the therapist determines that you have gender dysphoria, they might recommend surgery and various other steps you can take to align yourself with your preferred gender. They will help increase mental satisfaction while reducing anxiety, depression, and other concerns you are facing.

Top NYC Surgeon for Transgender Surgery

Hormone Therapy

Hormones control breast size, muscle mass, body hair, and many other gender-based characteristics. These are the secondary sexual characteristics, which your surgeon will help you manage.

When transmen transition with hormones they take various androgens (masculinizing hormones) or estrogens (femininizing hormones) for the transition. Masculinizing hormones such as testosterone help deepen their voice, enlarge the clitoris, grow their body and facial hair, and strengthen their muscles.

However, when a transfemale transitions estrogens can increase the tissue in their breasts, slow down facial and body hair growth, lower testosterone levels, and much more.

Most physical changes take time to accomplish, from a month to two or even three years. For instance, when transitioning transmen have to change the body’s muscle mass, the intensity of hair growth, etc. Hormone therapy will align your appearance with your preferred gender and reduce feelings of gender dysphoria.

However, hormonal therapy has some risks and health complications. You might experience blood clots, sleep apnea, weight gain, high blood pressure, infertility, heart diseases, liver enzymes, and other health issues. Furthermore, you frequently need to visit your doctor to make sure your treatment progresses according to plan.


As part of their due diligence, surgeons make sure that you have gender dysphoria through letters from a mental health professional and have been living a life as your true gender for at least 1 year. After getting the necessary health and mental clearance, they will perform surgery. If your preferred gender is different from the one your parents assigned at birth, fully aligning your body with your preferred gender may require various surgical procedures. Your surgeon will give you the option of choosing between different surgeries and help you decide which ones you would prefer. They will explain the procedures and their effect on your quality of life after the surgery. Ideally surgeries have better results in terms of function and cosmetic appearance.

Different surgeries have varying risks of complications and success rates. You must choose after thoroughly studying the methods.

Conclusion: Consult Rajveer Purohit MD MPH About Transgender Surgery

When you undergo gender affirmation surgery, your health and post-surgery quality of life depends on the type of surgery you chose and the surgeon you pick. Most patients are satisfied with the result after going through the procedure but there are risks of complications. Hence, you must carefully choose your surgeon. By choosing a professional surgeon, you increase the success rate. Lastly, you need to visit your surgeon for post-operation guidelines and keep tabs on your progress.

If you feel like you are experiencing gender dysphoria, contact Dr. Rajveer Purohit for complete details about the procedure and benefits of gender affirmation surgery. He is a highly qualified and experienced surgeon who can help you with the surgery and any change that will help you live a life that reflects your gender.

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